Tuesday, July 30, 2013

CallWeaver apk download free full Android cracked

CallWeaver apk download 1.4.0 full free kostenlos Android cracked

Download  CallWeaver apk heute gratis.
Bei uns bekommt ihr die qualitativ hochwertige App CallWeaver kostenlos.

Dabei handelt es sich um die full Version und nicht um eine free Version.

Die Apk Datei zum Download  und die falls notwendigen Daten findet ihr unten im Artikel. 

Appname: CallWeaver
2.0 oder höher Appversion: 1.4.0
Kategorie: Effizienz Größe: 263k


CallWeaver – the easy way to make sure that when the phone rings it’s a call you really want to receive.

Makes managing your calls a no brainer: block your work calls on weekends or accept only urgent calls from your family during night time.

Now featuring everything you need:

* Never miss a call you want to receive - superior smart filtering logic.

* Be prepared for all cases - built in three predefined filters.

* Adjust to any situation - create your own custom, personalized filters.

* Optionally filter SMS & MMS.

* Tiny memory & CPU footprint.

* Works on Android 2.0 and up, including Gingerbread.

* Integrates seamlessly with our PhoneWeaver, bringing together the most powerful profile manager with black list solution for Android!

CallWeaver is a simple and robust call filtering/black list tool. It comes built in with three predefined filters and you can add more personalized ones should you need to.

It works in a straightforward & effective way: It matches all incoming calls against pre-defined and custom filters and built in rules. CallWeaver can also filter your SMS and MMS.

CallWeaver integrates tightly with our PhoneWeaver Profile Manager. You can easily create profiles that manage call lists: PhoneWeaver uses CallWeaver’s configuration and using the communications tab of a profile, you can select which CallWeaver filters to apply directly within PhoneWeaver! Search for PhoneWeaver at the Android Market for more details.


  • CallWeaver - screenshot thumbnail
  • CallWeaver - screenshot thumbnail
  • CallWeaver - screenshot thumbnail
  • CallWeaver - screenshot thumbnail

Neue Funktionen

CallWeaver 1.4.0 New features:
Remove Android 4.3 warning notification


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CallWeaver apk download 1.4.0 full free kostenlos Android cracked

CallWeaver 98%1092 votes.

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